Saturday, December 14, 2024


The Lord has sent a message against Jacob;     it will fall on Israel. 9 All the people will know it—     Ephraim and the inhabitants of Samaria— who say with pride     and arrogance of heart, 10 “The bricks have fallen down,     but we will rebuild with dressed stone; the fig trees have been felled,     but we will replace them with cedars.” 11 But the Lord has strengthened Rezin’s foes against them     and has spurred their enemies on. 12 Arameans from the east and Philistines from the west     have devoured Israel with open mouth.  Yet for all this, his anger is not turned away,     his hand is still upraised.  13 But the people have not returned to him who struck them,     nor have they sought the Lord Almighty. 14 So the Lord will cut off from Israel both head and tail,     both palm branch and reed in a single day; 15 the elders and dignitaries are the head,     the prophets who teach lies are the tail. 16 Those who guide this people mislead them,     and those who are guided are led astray. 17 Therefore the Lord will take no pleasure in the young men,     nor will he pity the fatherless and widows, for everyone is ungodly and wicked,     every mouth speaks folly.  Yet for all this, his anger is not turned away,     his hand is still upraised.  18 Surely wickedness burns like a fire;     it consumes briers and thorns, it sets the forest thickets ablaze,     so that it rolls upward in a column of smoke. 19 By the wrath of the Lord Almighty     the land will be scorched and the people will be fuel for the fire;     they will not spare one another. 20 On the right they will devour,     but still be hungry; on the left they will eat,     but not be satisfied. Each will feed on the flesh of their own offspring[b]: 21     Manasseh will feed on Ephraim, and Ephraim on Manasseh;     together they will turn against Judah.  Yet for all this, his anger is not turned away,     his hand is still upraised.  10 Woe to those who make unjust laws,     to those who issue oppressive decrees, 2 to deprive the poor of their rights     and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people, making widows their prey     and robbing the fatherless. 3 What will you do on the day of reckoning,     when disaster comes from afar? To whom will you run for help?     Where will you leave your riches? 4 Nothing will remain but to cringe among the captives     or fall among the slain.  Yet for all this, his anger is not turned away,     his hand is still upraised.

Thursday, December 12, 2024


                                     "Disgusting Gross looking Ignorant Bitches!"

                                        " Nauseating Cosa Dressed in the body of a man!"    

 "Let me be very clear ignorant disgusting greedy biggot slandering women getting women beat up and raped and stealing everything from them does not make you superior!"

"You can have my food greedy racists mistake that god created because He was being nice!

" You can have the water that I drink lying ignorant thieve!"

"You can have the air that I breath rapist women beater  genocider!"

Your Fantasy World of beating Up , Raping Women and stealing from them will be destroyed Ignorant faggot dressed in a body of a man!

Let Me Sign that piece of paper for you cowardly rapist Bully!

Mentally ill Caucasian Males have worked very hard at impoverishing all countries in Central America and South America for hundreds of years and have hoard all the wealth and resources of these regions for themselves and their families, and friends that support their programing of thievery and deception and have taught all the Hispanic males in these regions to beat up women, to exploit women and to steal everything from  women and to force then into prostitution and through this phycological manipulation the Caucasian closeted homosexual males who envy women have ruined the lives of all Hispanic males and have impoverished them both physically and spiritually by programming them into believing that men had the right to abuse women and to exploit women because women were inferior to them and in this way the Caucasian Homosexual male has converted most Hispanic males into very ignorant closeted homosexual men who only worship sexual experimentation,  abuse of substances meat eating and with this addictions the Hispanic Males are able to cope with the reality that they have been  mentally and sexually submitted and oppressed by the very greedy and sadistic mentally ill Caucasian homosexual males that have recognized themselves as being superior then Hispanic Males! Caucasian males that have religiously rape all Hispanic women through their colonial methods of oppression that has turn Central and South America into third world Countries.   "When a male rapes a woman he also rapes all men!" Rape degrades the human mind of both men and women and makes  the human mind weak and easy to re -program! and this is something that the C.I.A the Central Intelligence Agency knows very well, and this is why this Agency uses the programming of systematic rape as an one of their favorite method of control and oppression in every country.  As the whole world witnessed most recently in the Central Intelligence Agency's planned event of the October 7th, 2023 Nova Music Festival in Israel in which their 'very close friend' the Iranian Militant Group Hamas effortlessly gain entrance into the State Of Israel? that has very advance and sophisticate surveillance technology, and human spies spread through out Palestine and Israel that work with the Israeli Intelligence that works with the Central Intelligence Agency that were aware of everything that their 'Very Close Friend" Iranian Hamas Militant Group was doing and gave them the weapons that these men use to gang rape women torture children and torture men, and this Sick Closeted Homosexual males with their Trophy Wives associated with the Central Intelligence Agency allowed the brutal rape of women soldiers, civilian women and men, and then the C.I.A's  'very close friends' the Israeli  IDF militant group managed by very mentally ill men who have no problem raping anyone and torturing anyone,  proceeded to massacre Palestinian Women and Children and to film this whole event for entertainment purposes in order to make more money for the few good friends and families of this very mentally ill people.

 Currently, until this day Hispanic Males continue to do the bidden of the Caucasian male of the programming of slandering of women, and they are working very hard at continuing to prevent women from achieving god realization! Caucasian males that have slander God Almighty IMAAN KrsNa "the Same Shit" and have taught all Hispanic males to slander God Almighty the same shit and have prevented millions of women from becoming god realized souls by spreading malicious damaging gossip about women that  have demonstrated to have  develop a conscious contact with God Almighty IMAAN Lord Krsna  the proprietor of all planets, women that refuse to be used and exploited, women that refuse to be lied to, and to be prevented from achieving God Realization! While these severely mentally ill men  along with their very sadistic Asian Hindu Males and their very sadistic and cruel mentally ill extremely greedy black males from the United States Of America have distorted all sacred technology, and have used this technology to worship their ego and their addiction towards sense gratification while posing as Religious Leaders conducting fraudulent ceremonies in churches and in ashrams in temples in front of images of Jesus Christ or before statues of Lord Chaitanya MahaPrabhu, Lord Shiva, Lord Budha,  or other Deities from all the religions, The Virgin Mary or chanting in front of "Scrolls" or doing rituals in nature, or while holding the "Bible" in their hands and given sermons,  rituals that they are conducting and directing toward themselves for their own selfish perverse greedy material desires , rituals and prayers that they are conducting in order to maintain their alliance with other closeted homosexual males that share the same mental perversion of thievery and sexual experimentation with women, men, children and whatever else they can find . God Almighty IMAAN rejects prayers or rituals from anyone that supports the economy of slander, thievery, abuse of women and the programming of systematic rape that the Caucasian Males , Asian Males and the Blacks from the United States Of America support and allow passionately without mercy in every country! 

To you out there who is ready to leave the cycle of reincarnation! Know that stealing natural resources and stealing the means from which people survive and grow their economy such as the "Panama Canal", "Farm Land" stealing bananas from the poor people in Central America? Stealing all the precious minerals, stealing intellectual property from Hispanic people,  is not normal behavior! Know that Psychologically abusing people from regions in Central America and South America as having an inferior mind? and being an inferior race of people? who are emotionally sensitive and easy to manipulate that can be exploited and forced into economic poverty?  is not normal behavior to copy or replicate! For The Central Intelligence Agency to continue to Hire groups of men in the regions of Central America and South America to inflict phycological torture, physical torture and sexual torture of women, men, and children  in order to maintain Central America and South American countries rating as third world countries is not normal behavior! Intentionally disconnecting Hispanic people from  God Almighty IMAAN KrsNA  the same shit is not normal behavior! For the Central Intelligence Agency to continue to interfere  and block the laws and proposals  that are submitted by the Hispanic government administrators in Central America and South America in order to make the economies and lives of the Hispanic people of theses regions better is not normal behavior? For the Central Intelligence Agency to order the elimination "Killing"  of any Hispanic law maker, Hispanic government official, Hispanic Military Personnel or Hispanic social reformer in Central and South America who insists on giving the Hispanic people of these regions free health care, free housing,  free farm land and free education, Dignified Salaries is not normal behavior! Stealing the land where women are suppose have their homes  and raise their children and forcing someone to become a prostitute instead,  is not a normal behavior! Know that slandering and defaming God almighty IMAAN Krsna the same shit is not a normal behavior! Know that raping women and allowing women to be raped and to get be beat up is not a normal behavior! For the Caucasian Males and allies that are supported by the Central Intelligence Agency to intentionally  remove  all the laws that protect Hispanic women in Central America and South America and instead to legalize prostitution and to give no other means for a woman to make a living other than to sale her body is not a normal behavior! For the Central Intelligence Agency to continue to experiment with the minds of the Hispanic people of Central America and South America by creating disunity within the governmental structure and the military structure in order to block any bills of social reform and instead to continue to squeeze any cent of money from the working class people and military personnel of these regions that the Caucasian and the black business men From the United States Of America and Europe, and now, China? the rat eating, dog munching ignorant wonton smelly perverts that want to squeeze more cents from the poor people of South America? and force them to work seven days a week instead of six days a week? for pennies so they can continue to arm their stupid war machine and perpetuate crimes against humanity ! squeeze every ounce of joy and the physical health of the Hispanic people of South America  greedy chink faggot mistake that god made! with the assistance of the ignorant racist women beating faggots plaguers thieves the 'very close friends' the ignorant  bullies from the Central Intelligence Agency, that pray and feed mercilessly on the working Hispanic people of Central and South America that have been brutally raped and bullied, and have already been impoverished both spiritually and financially is not normal behavior. 

 for the Central Intelligence Agency to continue to create events such as wars and civil unrest in every country and to psychologically manipulate the people of these regions and to make them continue to fight and terrorize one another in order to continue to disunify and steal the abundance of wealth that is present in Central and South America that is the inheritance of God's Children in order for these Caucasian Bullies and their allies to have another car and another home that they don't use is not normal behavior! All the information that the Central Intelligence Agency continues to falsify  in order to justify the merciless abuse of women, children, and males in Central America and South America is not normal behavior! Ruining other people's lives is not normal behavior! 

Hold on to your faith in God Almighty IMAAN KrsNa the same shit no matter what these greedy selfish lying cowardly thieve biggots rapists disguised in the bodies of men? that work with the Central Intelligence Agency, that have a lower intelligence then a pig who are walking around in suits earning over $100,000 dollars a year, to continue to bully the people of Central America and South America  in order to maintain these regions  in a constant cycle of economic decline is not normal behavior. For the Central Intelligence Agency  to attack religious women who report their abuse of power and their crimes against humanity is not normal behavior? For the Central Intelligence Agency to interfere with the ability of anyone to have access to jobs, promotions or bonuses in order to bully them for reporting this agency's crimes against humanity, crimes against this earth, crimes against lower animals is not normal behavior!  For the Central Intelligence Agency to bully workers at their job sites who report this agency's crimes against humanity, crimes against this earth, crimes against lower animals is not normal behavior! Whatever these men do or say about God Almighty IMAAN Krsna the same Shit! the same Shit! does not matter because at the end of the day HE the same shit will be the one you will answer to! In a blink of an eye your life is over and your soul transmigrates to another body, everything you do matters, all the good things that you seed flourish even if it does not seem like it!  no one has the legal right to hurt you even if they are rich and have access to weapons and more men to help them make your life miserable ! This planet and all planets in all material universes belong to God Almighty IMAAN Krsna the supreme controller of the universal mind! The end of suffering and pain and he has zero tolerance toward anyone who hurts his Hispanic Mataji Vaishnabi Maharani who rely solely in the mercy of lord Krsna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu her lord and Savior!All Glories to Sri Guru and Sri Guranga! Om Tat Sat

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

 " Dios Todo Poderoso Krsna IMAAN!" La Misma Mierda rechaza con severida y sin misericordia cualquier persona que difame y distorcione la technologia spiritual que EL le dio a los seres humanos para que pudieran salir de ciclo de la rencarnacion!"  Dios TodoPoderoso Krsna La Misma Mierda rechaza a cualquier hombre  o mujer que continue apoyando la violacion sexual sistematica y la programacion de sexo ilicito! Dios TodoPoderso Krsna IMAAN la misma mierda, rechaza a cualquier ser que difame y le haga daño a sus matajis Vaishnabis Maharanis hispanas que son la fuente de abundancia y misericordia para toda la humanida!" Dios TodoPoderoso Krsna IMAAN La Misma Mierda Rechasa con severidad y sin misericordia a cualquier ser que continue atacando y difamando a las mujeres religiosas que rehuzan ser usadas como objetos sexuales , vendidas como prostitutas y forsadas a tener crias de niños que nacen en esta civilizacion para ser programados a que continuen siendo los esclavos , violadores sadicos de los actuales hombres misoginos enfermos mentales que ilegalmente se han apoderado de la administracion  de todas las religiones, gobiernos de todo pais que practican "la brujeria negra!" que se basa en la violacion sexual sistematica de mujeres, niñas, niños, y hombres y se enraisa en la mentira y decepcion. Om Tat Sat