Wednesday, November 29, 2023

the unlawful production of biological weapons and their experimentation on vulnerable populations is a severe crime at the Lotus feet of the Lord. Whether the assailants namely scientist and military people deny the existence of the very illegal activity of producing viruses for warfare and profit  and these men insist that they are just making cures and they persecute anyone that catches them in the act in order to silence them! and, although,  these men of military science refuse to believe that there is a supreme creator the source of all religions "Lord Sri Krsna!" that loves all of his children and does not want to see them suffer again and again, and he wants to make their life so much better and easy. Krsna has constantly given knowledge through the sacred thread of  diciplic succession in order to guide  the human being  back home, back home to god head! And although, this military people have gone through great lengths to cover up the truth there are no more secrets and we are sick and tired of this bullshit.

No one has the legal right to hurt another living entity with biological weapons nor to experiment painful pathogens on people or lower animals such as birds, bats, monkeys and others. This is serious criminal activity. Now, is the time of great changes and transparency is the key, nothing can be hidden everything will be revealed and at the end of day god is the eternal witness of all our undertakings, all that matters is our sincere connection with the Lord, "Krsna!"  the destroyer of temporary  materialism and atheism.  He alone rescues all of  us from cycle of birth and death moving from one body to another within 8.4 million species in this universe, The Lord Blessed be He  is the great forgiver, there in no severe crime that cannot be forgiven as long we allow our  mistaken choices to be burned in the fire of repentance. God  saves us from the deepest most horrible darkness of horrible miseries created by making too many mistakes,  as long as we change our mind and stop behaving like idiots! - All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Guranga! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

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