Friday, May 24, 2024

tapta-kanchana-gaurangi radhe vrndavanesvari 
vrsabhanu-sute devi pranamami hari-priye "Beware of the Wrath of Almighty Lord Krsna! Lord Krsna rejects Liars, thieves and rapists!" Human beings are meant to achieve god realization and to be in constant association with god. Human beings are not meant to be intentionally and maliciously programmed to behave worse than dogs, monkeys, pigs, chickens! This form of programming life keeps human beings and other living entities stuck in the cycle of reincarnation in this life your soul is incarnated in the body of a human being identified as a soldier and in the next incarnation your soul is in the body of a caterpillar or some other insect or a shrub or a rock. Krsna rejects all forms of Violence against living entities especially "Violence Against Women and Children!" All the Vedas (Holy books including the Bible, Torah, Quran...) have been purposely altered at the request of very wealthy closeted homosexual Caucasian and some Asian Corporate military men" that have sponsored other men that identify themselves as "priests" to support their merciless and brutal Colonial methods of management of the world's population by paralyzing human beings connection with god. These Zionist men have a very deep addiction to very sick and perverse sexual experimentation that have crossed boundaries that should have never been crossed and this mistaken choices Violate the laws of god the supreme authority over all living entities of this earth all material universes, and the spiritual sky that he created. Caucasian and some Asian military "Zionist men" gave authority and permission to the rest of the military males that gave the examples for the rest of the civilian males in all countries to enjoy and to want to be classified as a 'demon' and that being a 'demon' is cool and fun. These military men feel proud and brag about conducting their heinous attacks against the world civilian population mercilessly and religiously rooting their sadistic attacks in "Violence Against Women of every race in every country and in other planets!" with statements such as this "The Demoniac Soldiers are ( god's) HIS representation of His wonderful prowess!"!! (this statement was copied from SB 2.1.36 )

                                            "Viewer Discretion is Advised!

If you become sexually aroused or you think is funny, "kinky" and normal when seeing naked women being tortured , raped and beat up and killed! know that you  have been maliciously programmed in order to make your mind very sick! by greedy and very  ignorant military closed homosexual men that are absolutely sure that the law of cause and effect does not apply to them and that they are the gods of this world because they have guns and money to pay thugs to continue to help them steal, rape and kill women and children. Ask yourself why would someone program my mind to become mentally ill? how do these military closeted homosexual men profit from my mental illness? Know that the programming of "Illicit Sex/Rape" has been rooted very strongly into the souls that are currently incarnated here in this planet earth from previous incarnations when our souls were  incarnated in the bodies of lower animals such as hyenas, pigs, lions, crocodiles, sharks, tigers, vultures, falcons, spiders..... and when our souls were incarnated into other living entities in other planets and we used sacred kundalini technology for sexual experimentation with one another and this is one the reasons why our souls have fallen from grace and we are now trapped in the cycle of reincarnation. Our soul carries memory (karmic residue)  to the next body that it incarnates into. Sexual experimentation in any material or spiritual platform is a death sentence for a soul's evolution. These very ignorant and greedy Military men that have build their empires on the blood and torture of trillions of women and children  that they have raped and gotten raped, beat up, kidnap sold into the sex trade and killed for over 5,000 years and while this  way of life may be Ok with some of you this is not OK with Lord Krsna the creator  of all living entities proprietor of all planets. 

 Affirmation  " Lord Krsna rejects Violence against women and children  of all races in every country in every planet!"                                             






The recent torture and rape of the  Israelite women that became victims of the planned "October 7th, 2023 "R'ein Music Festival Massacre event that lead to the torture and massacre of the Palestinian women and children in Gaza was orchestrated by the same intelligence military network to bring about the "last war game!" "Armageddon!" "War World 3" These military corporate  business men "Zionist" that fund and weaponized other military entities such as  The FARC,  Taliban, Isis, Hamas and others... have perfected their brutal abuse of women and promote these heinous war crimes against women by making video recordings of the events that they plan and create that features the merciless abuse, torture,  and rape of women. It is customary that after these corporate business military "Zionist" composed of mostly of men who falsely identify themselves as  "Christian"  Caucasian, and some men who falsely identify themselves as "Jews"  and some Asian men create an event they proceed to market the events that they plan and create through film, television, radio, newspapers, Internet , and in this way they have generated trillions upon trillion of dollars, Euros, Yens by the making of Hollywood films that normalize violence against women, with the same story line, kidnap women,  beat up women, rape women and kill women and then put them in film or pictures. This way of programming life has turned most of this human population into a parasitic hazardous and dangerous human civilization, this way of programing life violates the laws of god absolutely, god "the Almighty" is the supreme authority of this earth and all material universes and the spiritual sky that he created.  


 As sad, devastating,  traumatizing, and sick to my stomach it is to watch the videos of the innocent Israelite women and the Innocent Palestinian women that have been raped, tortured and slaughter by the same Intelligence Military Network. Right now, women in the African continent in countries such Sudan, Congo, Ethiopia, and in other parts of Africa, and Islands such as  Haiti, Cuba, Philippines, and in the continent of South America in countries such as Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, and in Central America,  in countries such as Guatemala, Mexico, and in the United States of America, and in Europe, and in  Asia in countries such as India, Japan, Malasya, China,  Iran, Iraq, Dubhai, Afghanistan, Myammar, Yemen, Indonesia women and children in all these regions of the world at this very moment are being brutally and mercilessly sexually assaulted  by the male military regimes that are supervised and managed by the White Supremacist military Intelligence network who continue to use sexual assault, gang rape, and torture as a weapon of mass destruction against women and these crimes have been swept under the rug by the male religious regimes with quotes from  the Vedas (Holy Books)  such as this : 

" O descendent of Bharata, he (soul) who dwells in the body is eternal and can never be slain. Therefore you need not to grieve for any creature." (bhagavad-gita 2.30) 

The Bhagavagita was one of the holy books that was  altered at the request of the closeted homosexual corporate military men who hate, envy, and steal from women of all races in every country. A.C Bhativendanta Swami Prabhupada was paid millions of dollars to adapt the books that he translated into the misogynistic white supremacist method of colonization and management of the world's people that is rooted  in the  brutal merciless sexual assault and financial exploitation of women in every country of every race. 

Even if you don't grieve for any creature! the Law of Cause and effect applies to every choice that we make and this is why we have collective punishment! god the almighty Lord Krsna rejects Violence Against Women of all races in every country in every planet and because of these crimes against the laws of god that are still being carry out with the use of sacred knowledge ( such as Kundalini technology)   by the same military network of intelligence. The almighty Lord Krsna, HE  will continue his merciless punishments of ruin destruction, plagues, calamities, more weather problems and more pain and suffering for everyone and unfortunately this includes innocent bystanders.  The souls that create, allow, support, participate, promote  this way of life will fall from incarnating into human bodies to incarnating into  lower species of life. The human beings that continue in the path of spiritual righteousness obeying their respective Misvot (commandments)  that forbids hurting living entities and this absolutely includes women and children of all races in every country and in every planet, and from stealing from (god) Lord Krsna!  Men that obey the Lord's Commandments will "Rise to the Kingdom of God!".  All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Guranga!

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