Friday, June 7, 2024

Pedophilia, Rape, and Gang Rape is an illegal program that has been allowed, supported and promoted within the priestly class and was rooted into women and children in this Kali Juga! Pedophilia, rape and gang rape leads to a FATE worse than DEATH i!"


      " Lord Krsna is the universal spiritual Guru!"

Kali yuga begun approximately 5,000 years  ago. Ever since then men have religiously removed all protections and legal rights that god gave to women of all races and these ignorant sadistic men have mercilessly compromised women's care and safety in order to exploit women without restrictions.  

Krsna  is the supreme authority over all living entities and all material universes.  'Spiritual Technology' was pass down to human beings out of the causeless mercy of Krsna via diciplic succession. Krsna is the "ONLY" Universal Guru. Kundalini technology is meant to be used for the betterment of humanity and all living entities. Through the use of 'Kundalini Technology' human beings are able to root themselves to the heart of god "Pure love!" and in this way human beings are able to clean karmic residue and spiritualize their bodies and raise their vibrations from a parasitic state of being. "Pure Love for god" this is the only way that the souls that are in human bodies are able to leave the cycle of reincarnation and return to the Kingdom of God. Utilizing Kundalini technology as a weapon of fear and terror and war leads to  a FATE worse than DEATH for any race of people no matter how advance they may appear to ignorant human beings such as the current Caucasian race. Raping,  Using biological weapons on other races and destroying  planets will keep the souls that create, allow, support, promote this way of programming life  stuck in the cycle of reincarnation experiencing very painful realities. 

Almost everything in this world is meant to keep the souls that are incarnated in this world stuck in the cycle of reincarnation forever. But there are opportunities for the souls that appeal to god's mercy  to make it out of the cycle of reincarnation and this is why Krsna gave 'Spiritual  Technology' to humanity via disciplic succession. 

Scientist claim that not  all human bodies are  the same neither are all women. Some human beings can drink liquor and their bodies do not become physically sick other human beings drink liquor and get sorosis of the liver or become wet brain. Similarly, not all women are the same. Vaishnabis/Maharanis/Matas are under the "protection and care" of Lord Krsna (known very seriously, as Lord VishNu)

"It is better to plant your seed in the belly of a whore than to spill it on the ground!". - the origins of this verse that has been rooted by human males through the programming  of physical and  spiritual  sexual assault  of the souls incarnated in women's bodies  could be found here - Genesis 38 

There is a difference between karmic retribution designated to the souls incarnated into bodies of women and malicious attacks directed at the root chakra of women's bodies  in order to traumatize or to disconnect them from their god of their understanding or to be able to exploit them, or to continue to make them physically sick, mentally sick to kill them or to ignorantly prevent them from achieving God realization or  to sabotage women's legal right  to live a godly life that does not include  sexual assault  or raping with the use of Kundalini technology and or physical penetration. 

 Up to today  religious  and military men  continue to slander God the Almighty Krsna IMAAN Mother Earth the Universal Guru (Lord VishNu)  as  "Satan"  "demon" the "devil" a lower entity that is part of a  'Satanic Trinity' . A demi god that is making human males abuse the power of choice and persuades them into gang raping and raping women  when in fact "physical raping" and raping with 'kundalini technology' or "raping" with physical penetration is programming that originates from each individual's freedom to chose you either chose to rape or you chose to not rape. "Rape" is a very mistaken way of programming life and it comes from a conscious choice that is being used and maliciously manipulated by ignorant and very greedy military human males of all races  and males belonging to the priestly class that are choosing to use 'Kudalini Technology'  as weapon of fear and terror to continue to subjugate women of every race.  Attacks directed to Vaishnabis/Maharanis/Matas  from either men or women leads to severe Guru  Aparatha ! Lord Vishnu (Krsna)  is the Universal Guru! Lord Vishnu is only Pope!  All glories to Sri guru and Sri guranga!

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