Friday, August 16, 2024

"An illuminating message from Wehoknights....!",a%20form%20of%20ethnic%20cleansing.

 tapta-kanchana-gaurangi radhe vrndavanesvari 
vrsabhanu-sute devi pranamami hari-priye

  "It is better for a man to choose to have his tongue cut off, his eyes  gouged  out, his hands and penis to be fried in hot oil while attach to his body  and  then to be thrown in a pit of starving crocodiles and be eaten alive than for a man to choose to slander and rape a Vaishnabi, Mata, Maharani the Lord's surrendered servant!"--Sri Caitanya Mahaprabu

Sexual assault: including gang rape, can cause vaginal injuries that range from minor to severe:  Bleeding: Internal and external bleeding can occur, and blood may pool on the floor.  Lacerations: Lacerations to the upper vagina can be severe.  Discharge: Vaginal discharge can occur.  Uterine prolapse: The uterus can descend into the vagina or beyond.  Fistula: A complex vesico-vaginal fistula can develop

WeHoKnights will like to bring attention to this big problem of 'Syystematic Rape' that has been taken place for over 5,000 years. Systematic Rape begun to be use by the severely mentally ill priestly or military male class of this Kali Yuga belonging to different cultures and all religions such as the African Males, Black Males,  Asian Males, Arab Males,  Aryan - Hindu Males, Indigenous Males of the Americas, Caucasian - Anglo Saxons, and the males of other races that have lived on this Sacred Mother Earth IMAAN.  The Priestly Class and the Military Class begun the use of Systematic Rape with the use of Spiritual Technology known as "Kundalini Technology" spiritual technology  that the mentally ill men of this Kali Yuga learned to manipulate and use to exploit this technology as a method of control to subjugate women or to kill women in order  to prevent women from becoming a god realized soul,  to prevent women from becoming high ranking priests within religious orders or high ranking military orders, to prevent women from being placed in High ranking positions of Management in their respective societies and cultures. 'Systematic Rape' is a program of very damaging painful and very destructive trauma purposely inflicted at the "ROOT CHAKRA"   (Definition of the word Root Chakra) merciless and intentional damaging attacks directed at the root chakra of women to disconnect and damage women's connection with god almighty and to continue to force women to be man's sexual slaves and financial servants instead of allowing women to serve godalmighty Lord Vishnu (Krsna) Lord Narasimha!

 Wehoknights Presents Illuminating Facts: Illuminating Fact number 1) The severely mentally ill males belonging to the priestly class and the Severely mentally ill males belonging to the Military  Intelligence class of this Kali Yuga  taught the soldiers and the males belonging to the civilian class to continue to program PHYSICAL  SEXUAL ASSAULT  and PHYSICAL GANG RAPE into women's 'root chakra' that SIMULATES SYSTEMATIC RAPE and SEXUAL ASSAULT WITH THE USE OF KUNDALINI TECHNOLOGYIlluminating Fact number 2) The very perverse and  mentally ill males belonging to the priestly and the military intelligence class covertly disguise and are attempting to normalize "RAPE" with kundalini technology as "CLEANING THEIR TARGET" or "RIGGING" this practice is ILLEGALIlluminating  Fact number 3)  the current males belonging to the high ranking priestly class and high ranking military intelligence orders of all countries, cultures, and religions human male's whose kundalini technology is activate in their bodies, some of this men have their pineal gland activated and they possess very clear  'Telepathic Abilities' and these males use this telepathic connection with one another and all of these men are part of the Central Intelligence Agency ( C.I.A).  Illuminating Fact number 4) The current human males that have been placed in positions of authority within the the management of the Central intelligence agency C.I.A that belong to all races are 'illegally' leaking surveillance information that they are stealing from both the civilian population and the military personnel of every country and this private information is being used against women and this information is intentionally shared with random males dressed in civilian clothing who have been programmed and trained to hurt and rape women. Moreover,  private surveillance information is being shared with mentally unstable multi racial people with the intention to program psychological bullying in order to instigate  riots,  civil unrest, to make people fight with one another or attack anyone.   Illuminating Fact number 5) The Current human males that belong to the military intelligence community of every country  are part  of the Central Intelligence Community (C.I.A ) and these men leak and continue to leak Private Surveillance Information that they gather from the civilian population and  military personnel to groups that they refer to as "terrorist groups"  "terrorists groups that are formed and equipped with weapons given to this "terrorists" by the males that are part of the Central Intelligence Agencies. What this means is that someone in Iran who has access to deadly weapons, including biological weapons,  has very close friends that live in The United States Of America immigrants and citizens that are giving "terrorists" in Iran who absolutely detest and envy women,  private information about US citizens.  Men and women that are literally committing treason who have been issued deadly weapons "guns and more"  and these men and women were  NOT required to go through a background check, these men and women were not asked if they were "institutionalized" these men and women did not have to pay in order to apply for a gun permit to be issued a gun permit, and other weapons and this human males  the so called "terrorists"  have been given a picture of your family,  your bank account information, your medical  information and know your daily routine and these men don't like Women and these "terrorists" are repulsed and they get very angry and offended when women tell them what to do and they do not respect women in positions of authority and this men like to rape women in positions of authority or to get them gang raped   Illuminating Fact number 6) In the United States Of America, Canada and Europe there are both men and women that have been trained to conduct terrorist attacks in these countries when the males belonging to the Central Intelligence Agency C.I.A give these men and women  the green light to attack 7) The human males that belong to the Central Intelligence Agencies (C.I.A) are directly responsible for the continuation and use of Systematic Rape of women and the on going sexual assault of women in every country, and these very mentally ill male specie have control of the justice system and they have purposely and intentionally abolished the 'death penalty' for crimes involving rape and this overt action is the root cause of the current deterioration of every society, this overt action has render women powerless before the very mentally ill human males in every society in every country that have been trained and programmed to beat up women and to mercilessly rape women because all the rights and protections "The Moral Codes"  given to the human species by god almighty Lord Vishnu (Krsna) Lord Narasimha have been erased and rewritten in every sacred text known to men:  " All Vedas, The Manusmriti Laws of Manu', The Bible, The Torah, The Quran...)  For example:  Illuminating Fact number 8) A male father or a mother has the 'legal right' to kill the male or males that rape their daughter but in the United States Of America the male father or mother would be arrested and  treated and prosecuted as criminals for committing an action that is morally and ethically correct and supported by god almighty IMAAN the creator of all the souls of all living entities, the supreme authority over all the living entities the creator of all the planets in all material universes and the creator of the kingdom of god ( Article about Raped Army Officer denied Justice)   Illuminating Fact number 9) The United States Of America's  Justice system  is controlled by the Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A)  and these men continue to give the example and the legal right to the rest of the male dominated Justice system in every country on this Sacred Earth IMAAN to continue to program sexual assault and to conceal or dismiss sexual assault cases "Severe Crimes"  that are presented before the courts that involve Military soldiers and Military officers committing gang rape and sexual assault both on Female soldiers and officers and the females within the civilian race  10)  The men that are currently in charge of the management of all governments, religious, and military orders are operating under the umbrella  of the Central Intelligence Agency C.I.A  of all countries and these males consciously create  and plan events  and intentionally create war games, civil unrest, civil wars, and terrorist attacks in which 'women' are the people who suffer the most. Illuminating fact number 11)  god almighty Lord Vishnu (Krsna) Lord Narasimha IMAAN is the 'Only High Priest' 'the only Pope' the only universal guru! Om Tat Sat

 On this August 16th, 2024 Wehoknights once again clarifies that the current systematic rape and sexual assault with kundalini technology, or with  physical rape programming  is not karmic retribution designated to women for committing severe crimes involving sexual assault in previous life times but rather attacks, attacks that males of the karmic lineage that betrayed god almighty, males that abused  their transcendental abilities and for this reason these souls  fell from grace. These mentally ill males species have independently chosen to intentionally inflict severe merciless attacks on women sexual organs "root chakra". Human males that burned ancient libraries, and temples,  burned books, scrolls, destroyed tablets that contain information about humanity origins and obliterated all the evidence containing the rights and protections that godalmighty gave to women, human males that tortured and killed both men and women witnesses and trusted servants of  godalmighty Lord Visnu (Krsna) Lord Narasimha 'Martyrs' that upheld religious principles. 

Very sick and mentally ill human males that through the thread of disciplic succession continue to hide humanity's inherent connection with the extraterrestrials races that live and visit this Sacred Mother Earth IMAAN. Males that consciously distorted all the sacred knowledge to benefit their ignorant,  perverse and selfish motivations,  men who are convinced that they are gods, and that they are independent souls "super stars!" and that the law of cause and effect does not apply to them,  very ignorant and mentally ill male priests and male military men who hate and envy women that made a conscious choice to attack women's root chakra  with the use systematic rape in order to stop women's connection with godalmighty Lord Vishnu (Krsna) Lord Narasimha! knowing very well, that by disconnecting women from godalmighty, women would  cowed to men, women would become  mentally ill, emotionally ill,  physically ill, financially bankrupt and would be easily exploited to satisfy the  very sick mentally ill males selfish greedy and perverse interest in material pleasures and sexual experimentation. 

Based on all the facts and evidence that was able to be gathered by hundreds of people through research done with the little evidence that was able to be obtain about the origins of this civilization it has been decided that there are living entities both human beings and extra terrestrials  who strive to build and program  a "HEALTHY MIND"  that is able to achieve god realization and transcendence into illumining eternal realities out of the cycle of reincarnation and there are  'human males'  who insists in continuing to program a "UNHEALTHY MIND"  that is destructive and painful in a temporary reality that is programmed to exist within the cycle of reincarnation that leads to total destruction of the civilization or empires through wars, plagues,  or cataclysms and then starts back again with the same problems of an unhealthy mind.

  Illuminating fact number 12) The human species or extraterrestrials of  a civilization that aims to become an advance civilization an inter stellar civilization able to do space travel to other galaxies and to have the ability to transcend the cycle of reincarnation and return to 'the kingdom of god' such as the 'Pleiadians Extraterrestrial Race' know very clearly that any kind of RAPE is a severe crime judged with the death penalty and that the soul of the human males that rape women with the use of Kundalini Technology for the purpose of raping or Physical Rape  is designated to incarnate into "super lower bodies" such as the bodies of insects for instance the bodies of cock roaches and that this living entities will possess the intelligence to be able to remember that their soul has fallen into super lower bodies of cock roaches because of their conscious heinous crimes of brutal rape against women attacks from the  human males species who intentionally inflict very painful and debilitating Vaginal Injuries into women's vaginas, purposely and maliciously impregnate women and have force women to have parasitic human children born out fear pain and terror that grow up to perpetuate the cycle of violence against all living entities. Human males that have made a conscious choice to  successfully program severe psychological trauma into women's mind and to disconnect women from god almighty for over 5,000 years and counting  OM TAT SAT Lord Narasimha Bhagavan (Ki) Jai



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