Wednesday, September 25, 2024

   "The complete ruin of all civilizations originates with a conscious choice made by  human males to disconnect from the love and mercy of God Almighty Lord Krsna, and it triples down with the brutal abuse and exploitation of women!"

The Central Intelligence Agency is directly responsible for manufacturing the most heinous crimes against women of all races in every country. The males that have worked and ran this military intelligence agency that are mostly misogynistic closeted homosexuals have build their immense fortunes out of the ruthless exploitation of women. Military intelligence males that literally removed God Almighty from all school classrooms, and instead begun to program the minds of children with pornography and with violent entertainment, entertainment music and video games. Military intelligence males that continue to make trillions with their growing industry of alcohol use, and drug abuse, and the very grotesque addiction to meat eating. The United States Of America sets the example for everyone else in the world,  of what is "COOL!" the Central Intelligence Agency covertly rans the government and all the corporations of the United States Of America,  the males that ran this agency are used to getting away with rape and murder, and they even brag about and joke about harming others out loud.  They make Television programming, movies, documentaries, and music about all the crimes that the Central Intelligence Agency creates world wide. This way of thinking and behaving is not normal in the Prescence of God Almighty.  The Central Intelligence Agency is directly responsible for ruining the economies of all countries in Central America and South America, and they are directly responsible for maintaining these regions of the world in a constant state of division and fear. Currently, the C.I.A  continues their cold war against the civilian population of the United States Of America and the Military Personnel of the United States Of America, who reject violence against living entities. United States Of America Citizens  that have repeatedly told the C.I.A to "cease fire" and to end the current war in the Middle East that started with C.I.A planned event of the NOVA Music Festival in Israel with the C.I.A Middle Eastern Militant groups and the C.I.A planned event of the war in Ukraine!

"God Almighty Lord Sri Krsna gave human males and human females Sacred Technology so that both human males and human female species could live harmoniously and peacefully on this Santa Tierra IMAAN. God Almighty, gave the human males species the responsibility to protect and take care of women, and to support their journey towards god realization that leads to their soul's liberation! God Almighty gave the human female species the responsibility to protect and take care  of men, and to support  their journey towards god realization, that leads to their soul's liberation.  God Almighty gave the human males species and the female human species the responsibility to take care and live harmoniously with all lower animals. God Almighty gave the responsibility to the human males species  and the human female species the responsibility to take care of this Santa Tierra IMAAN, God Almighty Srimati Rhadarani Krsna!"  (this earth is literally, God Almighty!)

The Central Intelligence Agency is a good example of what is known in all creation as the Prescence of a "UNHEALTHY MIND!"  planning and causing harm to others will never be excused by god almighty. The fallen souls that are currently trapped in the cycle of reincarnation have the legal right to be paroled out of the cycle of reincarnation and once again reinstate themselves into their divinity by becoming the Lord's surrendered servants! Vaisnabis, Matas, Maharanis are not sacred prostitutes that can be slander and bullied and sold into the C.I.A sex trafficking network and this is literally what the Central Intelligence Agency's closeted homosexual males have taught everyone in world to do, and think when identifying Vaishnabis, Matas, Maharanis, they are  "idiots" "Stupid Women"  that are Autistic? women that are mentally ill that are hostile and violent? Women that can be manipulated,  robbed, threatened, and intimidated?  Women that  are temple hookers that have sex with demons?  that Vaishnabis, Matas, Maharanis are witches that conjure spirits? this defamation of very sincere and hardworking religious women has lead to a lot of gang raping and raping of women whose kundalini energy is active in their bodies!  

The Central Intelligence Agency's homosexual males have their kundalini energy active in their body, and they are convinced that they are superior than God Almighty, and that they can cause harm to anyone with the use of  "Spiritual Technology" and "Physical Technology"  and these men until today continue to distort all our Sacred Technology " Vedas" this severely mentally ill men continue to distort sacred technology, and to produce false documentation in order to continue to fabricate false narratives, that prevents and discourages everyone in the world from upholding religious regulative principles, and instead the C.I.A  supports the addiction to sense gratification, illicit drugs, alcohol,  meat eating, sexual experimentation. The C.I.A  monitors the sex trafficking network world wide and supports and allows pedophilia.  

God Almighty Krsna is the supreme authority over all living entities and all the  planets, human males that are currently working with this agency have crossed boundaries that should have never been crossed and now, humanity is facing big problems that will escalate to other problems on top of more problems for these very ignorant greedy, selfish homosexuals who have brought complete ruin to themselves and have ruin the lives of both the civilian and military population. The Central Intelligence community with their billionaires moguls are carrying on like is business as usual? and these men with some fag hags are   planning on resettling  in Mars or in the Moon, space stations? these ignorant greedy people are planning to go into hiding inside under ground bunkers for the COOL people after they have intentionally with the knowledge of "spiritual technology' inflicted so much pain into countless living entities on this Santa Tierra IMAAN? and, they already have the technology of cloning, to create  more human beings without the need  of nasty fish smelly vaginas that are only good to rape and exploit? These very ignorant homosexuals have  laboratories that they have been using to  experiment with cloning and they can clone a human being,  and these homosexuals are imminent about  carrying out their War World 3 Nuclear War event, the question is not if they are going to go through with it, the question is When? this way of thinking is not normal, this way of thinking is not healthy, and it is not acceptable, and obviously this adverse events will fail at the lotus of feet of Lord Sri Krsna the supreme personality of god head cause of all causes and All That Is! Take immediate shelter at the Lotus feet of the Supreme Personality Of God Head Krsna! All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Guranga! . Om Tat Sat

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