"A woman gave birth to me!" and this is a good reason and evidence, as to why women must be cared for and protected. I understand that it was the causeless mercy of God Almighty Lord Krsna that my soul did not incarnate in the body of a pig, a dog, a cat, a cock roach, a cow, an elephant, a goat, a camel... but rather in the body of a " human being" that possess a mind with the intelligence necessary to know how to control ones instincts, and to make conscious choices, a mind that knows how to receive and transmit sacred knowledge that has been given to human beings from God Almighty Krsna, knowledge based on reason mercy and endless abundance, that says that the law of cause and affect is as real as ten trillion dollars that fall from the sky, and that the law of reincarnation is as real as the The Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France, and that the Law of the eternity of the soul is as real as the National Park of Chingasa in Bogota, Colombia, and that the Law of Free will gives all humans the opportunity to "Rise to the Kingdom of God" or to stay stuck in the endless cycle of reincarnation moving from one material body to the next!
For any man to continue to program Violence Against women and to pursue the merciless program of systematic rape of women in every country, in order to continue to full himself into believing that He is superior than God Almighty Lord Krsna? and for these men to continue to hoard all the wealth for himself his family and his few friends while suppressing and impoverishing the rest of the world's population with lies, deceit and with brutal physical torture rooted in the merciless abuse and sexual assault of women brings about painful rude awakenings to the men that continue to seed this way of life by programming the rest of the men to continue to attack women, to slander women, to leave women unprotected and to continue to exploit them. Moreover, to intentionally block women's ability to purify their mind and to achieve god realization is a grave crime judged by all divinity as "Guru Aparadha!"
" A Woman Gave Birth to Me!" and this is why no matter what she does, or What she says, I know that she is important, and that perhaps it is best to just leave her alone and to mind my own business! God Almighty Lord KrsNA Loves women, with all his heart with all his soul with all his strength! and this is a fact of life that cannot be distorted or hidden nor can it be hang, stoned, beaten to death, gang raped, or committed into mental institutions, nor can it buried and forgotten in mass graves!
It is evident that this current civilization is being managed by severely misogynistic mentally ill very greedy and selfish closeted homosexual men who hate and envy women, men that are not qualified to continue the management of this human civilization, and that this world is just a very brief stepping stone for fallen souls, and that the eternal reality is the goal of life to be reached by all the souls that are incarnated into human bodies right now, and that our soul does not travel with material bodies nor with money, and that God Almighty Lord KrsNA will deliver our souls from the ignorance of a few greedy envious men and although these men carry on as though it is perfectly normal to create events in which they inflict the most horrible pain into women and children, know for a fact that hurting others is a severe crime before God Almighty the supreme authority over all that he created, and that hurting others is not a normal behavior to be copied or replicated.
To you out there who are ready to leave this world of suffering and pain! Just use Common Sense! Hold on to the god of your understanding no matter what happens and you will delivered! and know for a fact that God Almighty Krsna is the source and creator of all the souls of living entities, and that HE is the proprietor of this earth and all the planets in all material universe and that the He is the supreme controller of the Universal Mind and that He is the end of the cycle of reincarnation and that God Almighty has zero tolerance towards anyone who attacks and hurts women of all races in every country! Don't ever forget that! Om Tat Sat
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