" Dios Todo Poderoso creo el cuerpo de la mujer como su instrumento divino de amor puro, y le dio a la mujer la abilidad trancedental de poder utilizar la ley del libre albedrio, y de esta forma toda mujer puediese eligir concientemente si ella quiere usar su cuerpo que es un "sacrado portal" por el cual una alma caida puede tener la opourtunidad de nacer en un cuerpo de un ser humano eh auto realizarse en la ciencia de Dios Todo Poderoso Krsna y de esta forma esa alma caida pude salir del ciclo de la rencarnacion y volver alcanzar a la imortalidad divina, al igual Dios Todo Poderoso le dio el derecho a toda mujer de eligir si ella queria permanecer soltera, y no tener hijos, ni partiicpar en la practica de sexo elicito, eh dedicar su vida al conocimiento de la ciencia de dios todo poderoso eh independisarce ecomicamente con el apoyo de todas la ramas de todas las religiones en esta Santa Madre Tierra IMAAN. Religiones que tienen su origen en un ser supremo que es puro amor Krsna " principal creador" Los hombres satanicos nunca an tenido el derecho de someter a las mujeres a que tengan hijos, o forsarlas a que vendan su cuerpos para que ellas puedan tener, refugio, comida, agua y protecion de la ley de los seres humanos que actualmente ha sido corrupta por el homosexual satanico hombre religioso, empresario y cientifico que trabajan con la Agencia Central de Inteligencia.( C.I.A)
"Dios TodoPoderoso Krsna no creo el cuerpo de la mujer para que los hombres homosexuales satanicos le violaran su cuerpo, y le incapacitaran su mente con el uso de la violacion sexual sistematica!"
"Los hombres homosexuales Satanicos de raza Caucasica ( Norte Americanos y Europeos) hombres de rasa asiatica, rasa negra, (Hindu, Arabe, Oriental) que pertencen a la Agencia de La Inteligencia Central Conocida como el C.I.A por muchos años han falsificado la technologia espiritual, y todos los textos sacrados, y con la tecnologia del cine. de video. Y audio inventa historias como la historia de "Apalachian Witches" para continuar programando la violencia acontra la mujer y niñas Y el miedo hacia las mujeres que demuestran abilidades trancedentales. "WITCHES/BRUJAS!" palabras intencionalmente utilizadas para provocar ataques de violencia fisica y violencia sexual.
Los hombres Satanicos del C.I.A que forman parte del lineaje Nazy son maestros en la manipulacio de la mente humana y saben que al destruir el cuerpo y la mente de las mujeres ellos pueden continuar explotandolas, robandose las tierras en todo pais que son la propiedad de toda mujer y niñas espacios vacandes designados para que toda mujer construya su casa! Los homobres satanicos han progamado intencionalmente la mente de todos los hombres en todos los paises para que continuen difamando a la mujeres como "brujas/ witches" y que continuen violando tanto mujeres y niñas, y que continuen robando la propiedades de toda mujer, en todos los paises con la ayuda de sus "buenos amigos" los homosexuales satanicos que se disfrazan de vaishnaban "Hare Krsna swamis, gurus, sacerdotes, hombres religiosos "Falsos Profetas " que saben como invadir el cuerpo del ser humano ya sea mujer o hombre, con el uso de la energia Kundalini para hacerle daño a las personas que ellos envidian y que consideran conpentencia,
Hombres Satanicos homosexuales que continuan difamando a las devotas del Señor Krsna como "brujas" "witches" "ladronas" 'prostitutas" "lesbianas" al igual que toda otra mujer que a llegado a auto realizarce en el divino camino de la realizacion de Dios Todo Poderoso, o a las mujeres que se han idenpendisado economicamente y que tienen cargos altos en las corporaciones militares, o governamentales, o mujeres que viven solas!
Los ataques de difamasion y la falsa propaganda que esta siendo utilizada acontra de las mujeres auto realizadas o independientes que actualmente sigue siendo usada y programada por el C.I.A an llegado hacer que a muchas mujeres religiosas y submisas a dios todopoderoso sean abusadas sexualmente, fisicamente, mentalmente, economicamente y muchas de ellas han sido ejecutadas porque reuzan ser sometidas por los hombres homosexuales satinicos que estan convencidos que son superiores a El Señor Krsna el supremo controlador de la mente universal, creador de todas las almas de todos los seres vivientes, y que la justisia universal no se aplica a ellos , y estos ignorantes homosexuales cobardes satanicos disfrazados de hombres religiosos estan muy equivocados!"
Dios Todo Poderoso IMAAN Santa Madre Tierra Krsna siente la tristesa y el sufrimiento de todos sus hijos y hijas que ya no quieren sufrir mas, y que ya no quieren ser sometidos y explotados por los cobardes y avaros hombres Satanicos que actualmente estan apoderados de la administracion de todo gobierno y con le direcion del C.I.A siguen intencionalmente provocando riñas entre todos los seres humanos, creando guerras en todos los paises, y creadon ataques terroristas en Los Estados Unidos y todo otro pais, para mantener a todo ser humano en un estado de miedo y division, y chaos y de esta forma seguir apoderandose de todos los recursos humanos y de todas las tierras que le pertencen a Los hijos y hijas de Dios TodoPoderoso Krsna!" La Madre Tierra IMAAN es Dios TodoPoderoso Krsna y ella tiene zero tolerancia ante cualquier ser que programa la difamasion y el abuso sexual de sus mujeres religiosas sus Vaishanabis, Matajis, Maharanis!"
" God Almighty Krsna created the female human body out his causeless mercy as his divine instrument of pure divine love and a sacred gateway to give birth to a fallen soul and He gave women the freedom to chose to either have children or to renunciate and become nuns, sadhus, yogis, monks, maharanis, vaishnabis, matajis, priests...! Illicit Sex is a practice that is not normal and this programming is against the laws of god the owner of this earth and all planets" Sexual intercourse is a sacred act meant for the purpose of reproduction and god realization. Women were not created to be forced to have unwanted children in order to staff armies, or factories, nor for these children to be raised to become consumers for the very greedy closeted homosexual satanic male's corporations that squeeze every cent from the poor and everyone else they can steal from. God's Children were NOT created to be brutally abused and forced to build the temporary empires of the very greedy and grotesque Satanic Homos.
Moreover, No women should be paying rent or a mortgage for property that already belongs to her, "land" that has been stolen by the closeted homosexual Satanic men with the use of brutal force, gang rape and rape of women and children. Women were not created to become the severely mentally ill men sexual object or to be forced to become prostitutes nor were women created to serve men, women were created to serve God Almighty Krsna and then to serve humanity. God Almighty Lord Krsna gave all women their divine inheritance, land, food, water, air "free of charge" so they could carry out their noble path of taking care of the earth , raising children and to achieve god realization. Ants, Fish, birds, mountain lion, bears, deers ... don't pay rent or a mortgage, why would a human being a woman that is more intelligent and has more responsibilities than a deer, have to pay rent or a mortgage on this earth? If something does not make sense. is because it does not make sense. No women should be paying rent or a mortgage for "land" property that already belongs to her, property that has been illegally confiscated "stolen: by the very greedy and ignorant closeted homosexual Satanic men that with use of brutal force, gang rape and rape and with the help of his employees has brainwashed all men into raping women and has trained to inflict torture if necessary in order to continue to submit women into being the breeding animal, and the benefactor of the mentally ill satanic closeted homosexual.
The Satanic Homosexuals that are currently hoarding all the land and resources for themselves have been able to control the mind of all humans by incapacitating women. Women are the foundation of all civilizations. Women did not give birth to men so that men could in turn, slander them, beat them up, rape them and steal everything from them. Although, this men continue to carry on, like is business as usual, the reality in front of us is manifesting big changes, because this earth is God Almighty and she is merciful and generous, and she can hear the cries and feel the tears of all her lost children that do not want to suffer any more at the mercy of mentally ill Satanic Closeted Homosexual men. God children are all inherently good and deserve to become immortal.
There has never been a time in the course of all civilizations within the material universes in which the law of cause and effect and the law of reincarnation has not been present. The Brutal abuse of women and little girls that is being inflicted upon women in every country is illegal and has brought about calamities, and will continue to bring more problems because this earth is God Almighty Lord Krsna and He adores all his children, and every soul that is incarnated in a human body deserves to be cared for properly, to be educated in the science of God Almighty Krsna so they can learn to live together in harmony and peace with one another, while already facing a very harsh living environment, and while facing the MISERIES that come with being a fallen soul incarnated in the body of a human being, "1) BIRTH, 2) ILLNESS, 3) OLD AGE, 4) DEATH, AND 5) RE BIRTH INTO ANOTHER MATERIAL BODY!" Every soul deserves the right to enter the kingdom of god! Our current transition into a new way of life did not have to include violence against women, and this transition could of been painless and honorable but the very ignorant and greedy Satanic Administrators and their very greedy employees that belong to the Central Intelligence Agency have continue to literally create events that involve hurting other living entities, they have broadcast as real entertainment the brutal sacrifice of women and children in their Satanic Rituals ignorantly thinking that this would bring them more power, dominion over this earth and other planets, and they are dead wrong! " Om Tat Sat
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