Sunday, February 16, 2025

The Unforgettable Punishment on Women

The Black Magic Practitioners that have taken over this civilization's Justice System, that is a  homosexual Justice system rooted their dominance by inflicting severe attacks in the root chakra of women with the use of Kundalini Technology and Gang Rape. The Homosexual males running the current Justice system  has insured that women are severely abused for hundreds of years now.  Caucasico and Asian ( Asian includes: Arabs, Hindu, Orientals)  Homosexuals distorted sacred technology in order justify the exploitation of women and little girls. All the sacred texts that originated in the Vedas have been falsified. Very sick Hindu and Caucasico Homosexual Males, that created all intelligence agencies and programmed all men to follow their lead, for hundreds of years preached about the law of reincarnation and  identified a soul that is born in the body of a woman as a soul that was born in a form of a lower birth that men had the legal right to  mercilessly  abuse and rape.

 These very ignorant homosexual Hindus and Caucasico males that practice black magic and put on orange robes, and white robes, and red robes that identified themselves as sages, brahmanas, swamis, monks, priests  thinking of themselves as being greater than God Almighty Lord Krsna ( Lord Vishnu) went on to preach that that if a man was to beat up or rape a woman, then in the next life he would be born in the body of a woman that would experience being beaten up and raped by another man. These lying ignorant homos, knowing very well, that the soul that transmigrates from a male body that rapes a woman does not incarnate in the body of a woman but in the body of a cock roach. And inspite of knowing this Absolute Truth , these ignorant homos, laugh, and joke about beating up women, and raping them and they even brag about it,  and these sick men continue to program the mind of all males to continue to abuse and rape women, and this grave crime cannot be forgiven. And Even if they laugh and giggle about hurting women, they will not be laughing ever again but still not enough to know that with every moment that passes these men continue to commit the most horrible crimes. This should give you the understanding, that the current human race of souls that are incarnated in human bodies, committed horrible crimes against the laws of god in previous lives, and this is why, we are all still stuck with this sick pathetic ignorant homosexuals that  have taken over the justice systema and the governess of this civilization that refuse to shutdown the slaughter houses where live stock is being tortured day and night,  and instead chose to continue to steal from god's children, and  start new wars and create more pain and suffering for every body.  No matter how bad this looks, remember these last days, as the example of what happens when the male ego has gone mentally insane, and that the only cure for this mental illness is their extermination, and although they are using us as human shields hiding behind women and children, what will happen to them, I wont wish it upon my worst enemy.

The Black Magic Practitioner mentally ill homo,  Asian (Hindu) and Caucasico  cursed the body of a woman as the designated material body for punishment.  The very ignorant Asian ( Asian includes:  Hindu, Arabs, Orientals) Homo and Caucasico, when on to preach about lower worlds where demons live (Patalas i,e Hell Raiser movie), and where  black magic practitioners souls can transition into and experience other forms of pleasures such as having 100's wives, and riches, and more, if they pray to the living entities in these lower worlds, and if they offer human sacrifices ( wars)  or animal sacrifices such as the animal sacrifice of Lord's Krsna's Holy Cow "The Red Heifer!" of the Severely Mentally Ill  Homosexual Males that wears the Kippa Posing as a Jewish Brahmana  that are Black Magic Practitioners that wear a Yar Mulke that run the Hollywood Entertainment Industry and the Porno graphic Industry, that have tortured and sacrificed millions of Red Heifers in Slaughter Houses for meat Consumption that the human body does not need . Severely mentally ill homosexual males that are posing as both Christian and Jew followers and priests.  Homosexual males that practice black magic.  Males that have allowed  and supported the brutal exploitation and sexual abuse of Jewish women.

God Almighty's does not accept any sacrifices from lying homosexuals that think they are god because the can beat up women and steal everything from them. No human being, or other that inflicts pain and suffering on other living entities, is welcome in any planet high or low. All living entities " Extra Terrestrials"  inhabiting lower or higher planets are all part of God Almighty Lord Krsna and these Extra Terrestrial races understand that the Law of Cause and Effect is as real as the the "City Of Jerusalem" and that the path out a hellish planets is the path of Bhakti Yoga. The Path of Pure Love For God Almighty Lord Krsna.

Black Magic Partitioners Asian males: Hindus, Arabs, Orientals and Caucasicos Homosexual Males have cursed themselves to be born in the bodies of insects, worms, cock roaches, and other life forms that will never see the body of a human being again,  because their  offence, was made out of a conscious choice to lie and to distort sacred technology, and in this way,  these very sick homosexuals have discourage billions of human beings from observing and practicing the path of Bhakti Yoga by making sure that women the Lord's female devotees are slandered, defamed, raped, and robbed.

God Almighty Cause Of All Causes and all that is, Lord Krsna created this earth and his owner of all planets. What has happen on this earth at the mercy of these mentally ill homosexual is beyond repaired. Everything happens for a reason, the Law of Cause and Effect is severe and it was out causeless mercy of God Almighty that sacred technology was given to humanity in order for humanity to have a chance to leave the cycle of reincarnation and return to the spiritual planets.  All Divinity has witnessed that most of humanity has been forced program to disconnect from the love and mercy of God Almighty and to instead serve the greedy mentally ill homosexual that utilized the practice of black magic in order to create their temporary empires, while defaming all divinity including the holy names of Satan, and Lucifer divinity that makes up God Almighty. Both Lucifer and Satan Know very well that the Law Of Cause and Effect is as real as all the oceans in all material planets. Sick Ignorant Greedy laying Human Homosexuals thinking of themselves as being greater than all divinity have ruined this civilization with their hate and envy of women, the living entity that gave birth to all men.

 today, 2/17/2025 is no longer a Kali Yuga, this earth is shaking of all the parasitic homosexual males and everything else that has been contaminated by their breath, all the men that are currently exploiting women, getting women hurt, that are connected and branch out of what has been identified as the Central Intelligence Agency are not welcome in this planet nor in other planet that God Almighty created out of his causeless mercy. These very dangerous and very sick homosexuals are a danger to other living entities, and God Almighty will no longer allow them to carry on like is business as usual . Om Tat Sat

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