Friday, December 1, 2023


Racist greedy sick Zionist business military men and the thugs that work for them with their perverse desire to make more money from men made illnesses must change their very vindictive way of thinking  and rise from their very mistaken retarded state of mind, that creates a delay that slows down the process of development and hinders their ability to understand the inescapable reality of the Law of Cause and Effect. These men must  embrace another way of life that does not include hurting others; Making fortunes and building empires out of people's illnesses that in most cases there is already a cure for this maladies is completely insane and this way of thinking must be reviewed, and 'neutralized!'

 Hurting others is not a normal way to manage a civilization that has the legal right to be healthy and strong, and  intelligent. 'Intelligence' is measured based on how accountable we are with the power that we are given when we incarnate into a human body. Only when  a fallen soul  Incarnates in a human body  is the soul able to attain sacred knowledge that helps it understand "Krsna!" and then the soul is able to bind itself to the Lord in order to become "self realized'  and in this way a human being's reality becomes more peaceful and loving and productive not only for herself or himself but for all living entities! Altering and distorting the Lord's sacred knowledge in order to utilize it for selfish reasons that only benefit the few while  deceiving and blocking the rest of the world from become 'self realized' by inflicting more pain and suffering on the bodies and minds of the living entities of this world is a self destructive path that leads to more violence and complete evolutionary failure.

Only when we  make god the center of our lives and obey the Lord mandates of moral behavior are we able to become not only materialistically conformable, we also  become spiritually successful. It is the duty of all the managers of this world to make a quantum leap and to stop being so ridiculous and selfish ! Continuing to manufacture biological weapons such as AIDS, Ebola, Polio, Malaria,  Covid-19, Amtrax  and you know the rest and testing this viruses on the vulnerable population of the world in order to sale more prescription drugs and treatments creates serious problem for the evolution of the living entities that live in this world and brings about more problems! All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Guranga! All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

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