Friday, December 1, 2023

Although, the racist  Zionist greedy women beater mass murderer/ war criminal Henry Kissinger lived to be almost 100 years old hiding behind his well armed racist corrupted justice system without spending a single day in a federal prison waiting on death row for committing atrocities against the world's people including the vulnerable population of the United States Of America in order to make himself and his wealthy buddies more rich. Military men who are absolutely certain that they are "gods" and that the Law of Cause and Effect is a 'Myth'. Military  men who have given themselves the legal right to build their empires by  compromising the health and the lives of the vulnerable populations of the world. Henry Kissinger will be held accountable for knowingly choosing to violate gods mandates of moral behavior and instead choosing to hurt, lie. cheat and steal from the people that he was hired to serve and protect! With great power comes responsibility and accountability -All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Guranga All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

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